Portfolio About Bookshelf Teaching


Since I've always been someone who enjoys tinkering and learning new things, in my spare capacity I often take on projects to test out and pick up some new skills. As you'll no doubt notice from the eclectic nature of my projects below, the scope and subjects of them can vary widely. Hopefully you will enjoy looking at or maybe even implementing some of them for yourself.

Current Projects

Typically, I tend to prefer exploring new projects organically as my interest is peaked. However, I also attempt to keep at least some grounding by holding onto a couple of projects which I actively work on in my spare capacity. Contained below are a couple of my current projects that I'm actively publically maintaining.

Machine & Reinforcement Learning Projects

In the field of machine learning there is no better way to gain and express experience than by doing. Contained below are several of the machine learning focuesed projects I've worked on in the past. Although currently non-exhustive, I'm constantly adding projects to this page that I've completed in the past once I've finished house cleaing its repository.

Web Development Projects

Although not a traditional web developer, in the course of my studies as well as fufilling my own personal projects I've picked quite a bit of experience with creating responsive sites with javascript, scss, d3, and other frameworks. These skills have allowed me to create a couple of traditional websites for my family members as well as myself, but have also allowed me to make visuizations and modeling completed in my data science workflows to be more accessible, interactive, and overall more useful. The projects below are a sample of some of the tools I've worked with in web development.

Hardware Projects

Although probably my least common form of projects, every once in awhile I find the need to work on the hardware side of things. I think working with and understanding hardware and electircal engineering concepts at least generally can provide some benefit and intution to software developers and data scientists alike. Afterall, the best solutions to difficult problems in the field of AI often involve some deep collaboration integrating both software and hardware. Although I'm far more comfortable on the software side of things picking up knowlege of hardware throught projects like these has been exceptionally useful.