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Current Reads

At any given time I usually have about three books that I jump around between reading: one fiction, one non-ficiton/biographical, and one textbook or other dense book. Personally, I've found that by keeping my selection like this and occasionally switching between them, I'm able to better digest and enjoy the material without losing interest. Below you will find the books that are my current reading stack. I'll try my best to keep this and the subsequent reviews current, but there will no doubt be some time lag.

Crime & Punishment

“It’s not a matter of permission or prohibition. He will suffer if he is sorry for his victim...The really great men must, I think, have great sadness on earth.”

- Fyodor Dostoyevsky

A Project to Find the Fundamental Theory of Physics

“In many ways it's the ultimate question in natural science: How does our universe work? Is there a fundemental theory? An incredible amount has been figured out about physics over the past few hundred years. But even with everything that's been done we still, after all this time, don't have a truly fundamental theory of physics”

- Stephen Wolfram

A Promised Land

“Glory and tragedy, courage and stupidity - one set of truths didn't negate the other. For war was contradiction, as was the history of America.”

- Barack Obama

Personal Favorites of Fiction

Everyone has those certain books on the shelf that no matter how many times they are read incite the same and sometimes even greater feelings as in their first read through. Here are some of my personal all time favorite works of fiction. As you'll no doubt notice I'm a big fan Tolstoy. Reading his greatest tome "War and Peace" during the pandemic ignited my apprecaition for Russian literature and langauge.

Personal Favorites of Non-Fiction

Although in my personal opinion Non-ficiton as a genre does not inspire quite the passion or enjoyment of fiction, there are still those select few books that once read demand to be shared. Below is a collection of my personal favorite works of non-fiction. These books range from philosophy to investigative journalism, but one thing they all have in-common is their ability to enthrall even the most unsuspecting of readers.

Personal Favorite Texbooks & Reference

Although not nearly as interesting of a reading experince from the previous two sections, reading textbooks is an unavoidable part of learning any rigerous field or concept. However, selecting the right book or paper to learn a given concept can make the process exponentially easier or harder depending on your choice of book or author. Similar to exemplary teaching, there is much to be said about a well written and practical textbook. Below is a collection of some of the most well written, practical, and pragmatic textbooks I've encountered in my academic and professional carrer. Each does an excellent job at guiding you through complex topics and applying this knowlege to practical applicaitions. All textbooks are surely not created equally.

Fiction Collection

Below contains my entire collection of fiction books which is always growing. The ratings are my own and I stand behind my own biases, but don't let a book slip away from your shelf just because of my bad opinion.

Non-Fiction Collection

Below is my collection of non-ficiton and biographical books. I try to seek out titles of people and topics that I'm rather unfamilar with, but always seem to gravitate towards a few central themes such as history and biographicals.

Textbook & Reference Collection

Below is my collection of textbooks most of which I accumulated and digested during graduate school. Contained within are textbooks so well written that they solidified my intution, and others which sent me lost at sea. The reviews on these books are based on incomplete readings in most cases, but are honestly written and often unforgiving.